Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Busy day…I’ll Post More tonight or tomorrow morning

The numbers won’t change today unless there is a huge event in the last hour of trading.  The NTSM long term system is HOLD.
The Market Internals (a short term indicator) continue to be very positive and suggest that the S&P 500 may work its way back to prior highs of 1848.
As of 3PM, the numbers show that today’s big up day is not “statistically significant” in Price and volume, therefore, there is no indication that tomorrow will be a reversal day.  If the S&P 500 were to close at or above 1829 it would indicate likelihood (about 60%) that tomorrow would be down.
A key for me will be, “Are the internals continuing to improve?”  If they are, I may up my invested percentage to 40% since that was my planned income averaging method to get more invested, i.e., put a little in each month.  Otherwise, I’ll probably wait.