Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Casey Research - “Is the US Monetary System on the Verge of Collapse?”

Yesterday we reported the recession call by The Economic Cycle Research Institute.

If that weren’t enough bad news, here’s a “doomsday” excerpt from Casey Research’s article titled, “Is the US Monetary System on the Verge of Collapse?” 

“(We)...turn to the work of Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff (former Professors at U of MD and Harvard), who studied the factors contributing to 29 past sovereign defaults. They found that default (or debt restructuring) occurred on average, when external debt reached 73% of gross national product (GNP) and 239% of exports.”

They presented a chart that shows the US external debt is now 750% of exports, over three times higher than the average of countries that defaulted or restructured. 
Another chart from the article is not pretty either; we are right there with the “PIGS” (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) as far as our debt is concerned.

I continue to be amazed that so many think that the US Debt is no big deal.  Now I don’t think the US monetary system is about to fail, but it will if we don’t get our act together…and we need to act relatively soon.  Now for some market discussion…

I think we will head back to the 1120 area on the S&P 500.  That’s when we will find out if this correction is just a correction or the start of something much worse.  The timing could be days or weeks away.

The Navigate the Stock Market analysis is HOLD again today.

I sold on the 27 July sell signal at S&P 500 1301 and I am defensively positioned with only a small amount of my portfolio invested in stocks. (Zero stocks in the 401k.)   (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page).

I sold my 100% long position in the trading portfolio at mid-day today at a better than 10% profit.  The SSO trade I established Monday was up 10% in about 24-hours.