Monday, September 19, 2011

Delusional jobs strategy?

I try not to do political commentary here.  It is a farce on both sides of the isle, but I thought this was interesting.

In Fortune Magazine, Geoff Colvin, senior Editor at large, suggests that the President’s jobs strategy is “delusional.”  The article says the President’s implied message “…that U.S. manufacturing withered while we bought Chinese products at the mall, is simply wrong. American manufacturing boomed during the expansion. The value of "what we build" increased every year. The problem for the President…is that we did it with fewer workers every year…the more advanced that manufacturing becomes, the fewer people it employs. At a time when the country desperately needs more jobs, manufacturing is obviously not the place to look for them. As the President meets with his Jobs and Competitiveness Council, listen carefully to what he says. A delusional policy for America's No. 1 problem is the last thing we need.”  Full article at

The NTSM analysis is HOLD once again.  I think the long time that we’ve recorded that “no-change” view is due to the general confusion of investors.  I can find articles stating now is the time to buy; for example, Treasury yields are so low that stock yields are the place to be.  On the other hand, why sell?  Greece; US economy; debt…plenty of articles there too.

VIX is pretty firmly telling us to remain out of the market

I sold on the 27 July sell signal at S&P 500 1301 and I am defensively positioned with only a small amount of my portfolio invested in stocks. (Zero stocks in the 401k.)   (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page).