Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quick Update

The Navigate the Stock Market (NTSM) system moved to "BUY" Tuesday so it seems the market may continue to move up in the near term.

General Electric is up 25% since the first of December.  They are up 8% since their earnings came out on Friday.  Earnings per share were up 33% from a year earlier.   Wow!  They are widely considered as a bellwether stock because they are such a diversified industrial company.  Good news for the S&P 500. 

Consumer confidence was higher than expected Tuesday; that’s more good news.

One area of concern: the %-Bulls Sentiment indicator in the NTSM system continues to move up and that is bearish in the longer term (perhaps not too far in the future).  The 5-day %-bull value is 59%.  If a downturn were to occur now, I’d expect a short correction rather than something nasty.  We’ll see…