Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Navigate the Stock Market switces to HOLD - a positive development

Today, Tuesday, the S&P 500 finished up 2.3%. 

The VIX indicator in the Navigate the Stock Market computer analysis switched to “buy” today so the NTSM analysis is now HOLD overall.

That is a significant development and a bit of a surprise that can’t be ignored.  VIX is the most reliable indicator for NTSM based on back testing over 5-years of data. 

I have been watching the VIX rise and the VIX indicator has been negative since last July.  The reversal is caused by a slowing rate of climb of the VIX (identified by the computer) and that predicts a potential reversal of the NTMS system overall.  There are also other indicators that seem to show we could be near a bottom.

The NTSM model is not currently a buy, but it just means I need to change my attitude.  I have been very negative and caught up in the hype of CNBC, recession forecasts, and the like.

A couple of points: 

(1)  The previous high on 29 April was 1364.  That is 19% above yesterday’s close.  The shallowest drop in a bear market was around 19% in the 70’s.  In 1932-1934 the decline was 23%, but it only took 6-months to get there.  We are now in the sixth month since we saw the previous high.  So historically, we are within the range of previous bottoms, but just barely.  Most are longer and deeper.

(2)  Breadth (%-advancing) is near recent historic lows.

(3)  Sentiment has been very low (%-Bulls) since early August and hit some numbers associated with bottoms last week.

I still want more confirmation.  Either a “buy” from NTSM or a low volume successful test; but, it is important to change one’s thinking in the face of analytical evidence - in spite of the herd mentality that has been calling for Armageddon (even from me).

As an excellent trader (DK) said, “Pioneers take all the arrows, so sit back and let the institutional investors sort this out. It's a party worth being late to.” (DK Report at http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/Favorites.CServlet?obj=ID2287993.)

Conclusion: I’ll be on alert for a potential reversal to a Buy, but “patience” is the word – I wish I had more...patience 

Keep in mind all of this optimism is based on guessing what may happen.  We could also see more down days ahead without a buy-signal...OR...a buy-signal here might only be temporary. 

Today’s data is all screwed up due to the wild finish when everyone decided to buy starting at around 3:15 this afternoon.  The S&P 500 was up almost 4% in the last 45-minutes of trading…amazing!  Because of the missing data, I could only infer some numbers in the NTMS model so I may have to wait till tomorrow to update, but I doubt that it will switch to buy, even with the right numbers.

For now the NTSM model is HOLD, but we could see a buy in a few days depending on market action.

I sold on the 27 July sell signal at S&P 500 1301 and I am defensively positioned with only a small amount of my portfolio invested in stocks. (Zero stocks in the 401k.) (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page).
I went 50% long in the trading portfolio based on the improvement in the NTSM model and yesterday’s big down day.