Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Nobel Prize winner opposes stimulus…

The Nobel prize for economics was awarded to Thomas Sargent, for his work in rational expectations...Regarding the 2009 fiscal stimulus package, he [Mr. Sargent] observed "The calculations that I have seen supporting the stimulus package are back-of-the-envelope ones that ignore what we have learned in the past 60 years of macroeconomic research...I recall it being said that there was widespread agreement of a big fiscal stimulus among the vast majority of informed economists. [The President's] advisers surely knew that this was not an accurate description of the full range of professional opinion."   - from John Hussman, PhD, Weekly Market Comment (17 Oct 2011)

I thought a little reminder that there are experts, highly regarded in economics, who don’t agree that Government stimulus of the economy is helpful.

At mid-day, the VIX was up 2% and the S&P was basically flat.  That sort of market action is often a harbinger of a down-day so I went to all cash in the trading portfolio and took profits.  I use the QLD and the Rydex RYVYX fund for trading.  Both are 2x funds that double the gains (or losses) of the Nasdaq.  They are high risk funds so there is reason to be cautious, even though I am very long in the long-term portfolio.

The NTSM analysis is still a BUY, but the VIX indicator is now a hold and it is not falling fast enough to convince me this rally will continue.  Option expiration on Friday may be affecting the markets.  Europe is still weighing on the markets.  We are news driven so the NTMS technical indicators will be reactive. 

Sentiment is positive/neutral.  Price action is neutral. Volume is positive.  VIX is neutral.  NTMS could switch to “Sell” in a few days if the negative action continues.

NTMS is BUY today.

I am 100% long in the long term portfolio (100% stocks in the 401k.). (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page). 

I cut the trading portfolio position in the morning to 0% stocks at a good profit.