Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Short Position in Doubt

The markets are moving against my short position, so should I cover?
We can call a correction bottom when we have a retest. We did bounce off the 50-dMA so we may have seen the bottom. In situations like this one, when we see a bounce and improving internals (but no retest), we are left with no way to make a strong call, buy or sell. Currently, breadth is above 50%, but that happens in the middle of corrections, too, so it is not a “correction-over” signal.  
If the 5-10-20 Timer system switches to “Buy”, I’ll call the correction over. Now, given the doubt, it may be best to cover the short position unless we see continued weakness during the day. Currently, the markets are slipping so I am not ready to cover yet.  It doesn’t seem likely that they will fall into negative territory, but stranger things have happened.