Thursday, June 27, 2024

Jobless Claims ... Durable Orders ... GDP ... Momentum Trading DOW Stocks & ETFs … Stock Market Analysis ...

“Trade what you see; not what you think.” – The Old Fool, Richard McCranie, trader extraordinaire.
“Far more money has been lost by investors in preparing for corrections, or anticipating corrections, than has been lost in the corrections themselves.” - Peter Lynch, former manager of Fidelity’s Magellan® fund.
“Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is simply the total amount of spending in an economy. GDP, as currently measured, does not distinguish between “good” spending and “bad” spending. GDP does not distinguish between consumption spending and investment spending. GDP also does not distinguish whether spending is generated by existing wealth, by going into debt temporarily, or by going into debt permanently. In this world, every dollar spent on education or new means of production, is counted the same as every dollar spent on epic bachelor parties and video games.” – Michael Lebowitz, Real Investment Advice
“The Labor Department reported Thursday that jobless claims for the week ending June 22 fell by 6,000 to 233,000 from 239,000 the previous week. However, the total number of Americans collecting unemployment benefits rose for the eighth straight week, to 1.84 million, for the week of June 15. That’s the most since November of 2021.” Story at...
“In what was a better-than-anticipated outturn, new orders for durable goods rose 0.1% in May (chart). We were bracing for overall orders to be constrained by nondefense aircraft based on a relatively low number of orders reported by Boeing during the month. In actuality nondefense aircraft orders slipped 'only' 2.8% in May, and defense and motor vehicle orders were up, offsetting some of the weakness.” Story at..
“...The Fed particularly wants to know how GDP is changing and how much growth is slowing. The answer? Pretty substantially. GDP growth fell from 3.4% in the last quarter of 2023 to 1.4% at the beginning of this year.” Story at...
-Thursday the S&P 500 rose about 0.1% to 5482.
-VIX declined about 2% to 12.24.
-The yield on the 10-year Treasury declined to 4.286% (compared to this time yesterday).
XLK – Holding since the October 2022 lows.
DWCPF - Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index. – Added 12/7/2023 when I sold the S&P 500.
“The Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index, also known as the DWCPF, is a widely used financial index that provides a comprehensive measure of the US equity market. The DWCPF includes all US stocks that are not included in the Dow Jones US Total Stock Market Index, which comprises large-cap and mid-cap companies. As a result, the DWCPF provides a complete picture of the US stock market, including small-cap and micro-cap companies, which are often overlooked by other indexes.” From...
The Bull/Bear Spread (Bull Indicators minus Bear Indicators) was 10 Bear-signs and 12-Bull. (The rest are neutral. It is normal to have a lot of neutral indicators since many of those are top or bottom indicators that will signal only at extremes.) The 10-dMA of spread (purple line in the chart below declined, a bearish sign.

The Bull/Bear, 50-Indicator spread improved slightly from +1 to +2 (2 more Bull indicators than Bear indicators). This remains a Neutral indication.
The S&P 500 is 12.8% above the 200-dMA and that remains stretched. The bear sign is greater than 12%.
Market Internals continued their back-and-forth bull/bear moves. Today they were bullish, but the 10-dMA of issues advancing on the NYSE dropped below 50% (again). That’s a bearish sign that once again reminds us that breadth has been less than stellar recently.  The series of new all-time highs for the S&P 500 between 10 and 18 June were accompanied by weak 52-week all-time highs showing a narrow advance. We hope that stat will improve. If it doesn’t, it will again warn that a correction, if one were to occur, would likely be 10% or greater (based on past history).
LONG-TERM INDICATOR: The Long Term NTSM indicator remained HOLD: PRICE is bullish; VOLUME, VIX & SENTIMENT is neutral.
(The Long-Term Indicator is not a good top-indicator. It can signal BUY at a top.)
(The important major BUY in this indicator was on 21 October 2022, 7-days after the bear-market bottom. For my NTSM overall signal, I suggested that a short-term buying opportunity occurred on 27 September (based on improved market internals on the retest), although without market follow-thru, I was unwilling to call a buy; however, I did close shorts and increased stock holdings. I issued a Buy-Signal on 4 October, 6-days before the final bottom, based on stronger market action that confirmed the market internals signal. The NTSM sell-signal was issued 21 December, 9 sessions before the high of this recent bear market, based on the bearish “Friday Rundown” of indicators.)
No change: I am Neutral on the market as a whole. The trend in indicators has been down recently and price has been relatively flat. The most likely market move seems to be down, but it is not a given. All eyes are on the PCE news tomorrow.
TODAY’S RANKING OF 15 ETFs (Ranked Daily) ETF ranking follows:

The top ranked ETF receives 100%. The rest are then ranked based on their momentum relative to the leading ETF.
*For additional background on the ETF ranking system see NTSM Page at…

The top ranked Stock receives 100%. The rest are then ranked based on their momentum relative to the leading Stock.
For more details, see NTSM Page at…
My basket of Market Internals declined to SELL.
(My basket of Market Internals is a decent trend-following analysis of current market action, but should not be used alone for short term trading. They are most useful when they diverge from the Index.) 
...My current invested position is about 55% stocks, including stock mutual funds and ETFs. (I’ll need to recalculate this.) I’m usually about 50% invested in stocks, so this is a bullish, over-invested position. 75% is my max stock allocation so I have some cash now.
I trade about 15-20% of the total portfolio using the momentum-based analysis I provide here. When I see a definitive bottom, I add a lot more stocks to the portfolio, usually by using an S&P 500 ETF as I did back in October 2022 and 2023.