Monday, December 12, 2011

John Hussman, PhD, urges caution

John Hussman, PhD, noted in his 12 December 2011 Weekly Market Comment,
“The present market environment warrants unusual concern, in my view. Based on a wide variety of evidence and its typical market implications over an ensemble of dozens of subsets of historical data, the expected return/risk profile of the stock market has shifted to hard-negative. This places us in a tightly defensive position. This isn't really a forecast in the sense that shifts in the evidence even over a period of a few weeks could move us to adjust our investment stance, but here and now we observe conditions that have often produced abrupt crash-like plunges. This combination of evidence includes elevated valuations, overbullish sentiment, market internals best characterized as a "whipsaw trap" on the basis of typical follow-through, heightened credit strains, and clear evidence (on reliable forward-looking indicators) of oncoming recession, among other factors.” - Full Comment may be found at Hussman Funds

This scenario is always a possibility, but if that were the case would we have observed the Market action that we have seen in the recent weeks?  Specifically, we have seen the S&P 500 complete a correction cycle on 25 November that had lasted 17-1/2 weeks.  It doesn’t seem like the S&P would enter another downturn so quickly since there hasn’t been any significant news (so far) that would send us careening down.   It could happen though, and I expect that it will; as always, the timing is difficult (if not impossible) to call. My crystal ball is quite foggy and the NTSM system doesn’t predict the future either.

Today, Monday, the S&P 500 went down 1.5% to 1236.

If we continue down, NTMS will give a sell signal, but that should be obvious.  It could happen in a few days or not at all.  My feeling is we won’t get a sell before Christmas, but I’ll wait and see.

The NTSM system is still BUY today. 

I bought back into the stock market at S&P 500, 1155 on 7 Oct after the 6 Oct NTSM buy signal.  I remain 100% long in the long term portfolio (100% stocks in the 401k.). (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page). 

I am 90% long in the trading portfolio. 

Just a reminder: 100% invested in stocks is way too much for most rational folks.   Don’t do it unless you have a high tolerance for risk.