Friday, December 2, 2011

The unemployment rate dropped to 8.6% as Jobs increased

Reuters reported, "Nonfarm payrolls increased by 120,000 jobs, the Labor Department said on Friday, and the jobless rate dropped to 8.6 percent, the lowest since March 2009, from 9 percent in October.  The private sector added 140,000 jobs and government employment fell 20,000. – Full article at:

That’s a little better than was expected and the jobs picture continues in the right direction.  Europe remains a concern, though. 

I like the fact that there was almost no profit taking after the huge run up in the stock market this week.  There are a lot of investors still on the sidelines.  I think they will start to move in and the market should continue up from here, barring further bad financial news (especially from Europe).  The experts don't expect a good solution out of Europe so we'll have to pay attention.

A Hedge Fund analyst blogged at Zero Hedge, there’s no chance for the little investor.  He wrote, “The finance industry is a complete scam, designed to funnel money from the 99% investing public into the hands of the top 0.1%. Sure, some of you will make good money, but stastically, the rest…will lose…You have better odds going to a casino and playing slots, the worst-paying game in the house, but still better than the stock market…you lack information and exposure. You have no idea what is going on in the market besides what you see on the news - while hedge funds have analysts working around the clock.” Full article at,+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero)

The purpose of NTMS is to provide some useful research and data analysis to help with buy-sell signals in the market.  Frankly, NTMS is beating some hedge funds.  Now all I need is a couple of super computers and a research staff…

The NTSM analysis remains BUY.

I bought back into the stock market at S&P 500, 1155 on 7 Oct after the 6 Oct NTSM buy signal.  I remain 100% long in the long term portfolio (100% stocks in the 401k.). (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page). 

I am 90% long in the trading portfolio. 

Just a reminder: 100% invested in stocks is way too much for most rational folks.   Don’t do it unless you have a high tolerance for risk.