Friday, December 30, 2011

Year End Report: NTSM Up 12% - S&P 500…zero gain

The S&P 500 started the year at 1257.64 and finished 2011 at 1257.60 for a loss of 0.003%. (It would be hard to get any closer to zero gain that that.) 

NTSM started the year fully invested.  NTMS had three trades (sold 3-times and bought 3-times) during the year and ended the year fully invested.

The Navigate the Stock Market analysis was up 12% on the year.

Risk adjusted, NTSM looks good because the NTSM was invested in the stock market for only 151-days or 60% of the trading days.

In the last 23-days there have only been 3-days when the NTSM analysis was not BUY (the other three were Hold).  In the past that sort of consistency has been very bullish, but there is no guarantee here; as I point out regularly, the NTSM analysis does not foresee the future – it just analyzes the present status of the S&P 500 via Sentiment, Price, Volume and Vix.

The S&P 500 finished the year at the 200-day moving average.  If the market can move up a little from here it may create some optimism from the technical traders.  I remain bullish going into the new year.

The NTSM analysis is BUY today.  

I bought back into the stock market at S&P 500, 1155 on 7 Oct after the 6 Oct NTSM buy signal.  I remain 100% long in the long term portfolio (100% stocks in the 401k.). (See the page “How to Use the NTSM System” – the link is on the right side of this page). 

I am 90% long in the trading portfolio.

Just a reminder: 100% invested in stocks is way too much for most rational folks.   Don’t do it unless you have a high tolerance for risk.

Have a Happy and safe New Year